Chronic Disease Training:
Generically, Allied Healthcare training programs currently focus on Acute Care Management, and activities performed within the clinic environment. Our comprehensive chronic disease training curriculum focuses on the top 25 chronic conditions and how to guide the patient in enhanced care management options. We have also developed a comprehensive library of chronic disease clinical content that can be used for automated reminders for enhanced care management and care coordination.
Motivational Interviewing:
The current healthcare delivery models provide a heavy reliance on physician care management, with less emphasis on patient self-care management. Our Certified training program shows your team members how to communicate with the proper language elements to motivate a patient to be at the center of their healthcare versus having the expectation that others are responsible for their health.
Nursing "Clinical Activities":
There are approximately 300 unique nursing "Clinical Activities" that should be used in a strong CCM program. These Clinical Activities are separate and distinct from a Physician Medical Diagnosis and are used for chronic disease management and their related clinical activities. Using these Clinical Activity crosswalks for chronic disease management will significantly enhance clinical outcomes and patient engagement.
We have comprehensive training materials written to help your health system or medical group get moving quickly. There are over 100 different topics that we can train your staff on as it relates to a well built disease management program. Please call us to discuss in more detail
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